Nau Mai ki ta Maatau Whare Taonga - Welcome to the spirit of Mangawhai
An epic battle, sunken gold bullion just offshore, a secret gathering of harbour vigilantes, and the mystery of the left-footed jandal. If stories are treasure, Mangawhai Museum is full to bursting.
The Mangawhai Museum is a modern museum that celebrates life around our harbour from building ships to building sandcastles. Family and women’s stories also take a front seat, as we see the struggles and triumphs of everyday life. In love with our landscape? Engage with natural history around Mangawhai and our harbour including the fight to save the critically endangered Fairy Tern.
H O U R S:
Museum and Shop | Open Daily 10am - 4pm
Kōtare Cafe | Open Mon-Thu 7am-2pm, Fri 7am-4pm, Sat-Sun 8am-4pm
Private visits to the shop and museum outside of these hours may be arranged by emailing manager@mangawhai-museum.org.nz
“One of regional New Zealand's best museums, this spectacular building on the main road linking Mangawhai village to Mangawhai Heads is packed with interesting displays on the area's history and environment. Check out the roof shaped like a stingray. There's also a sun-drenched cafe worthy of a stop.”
— Lonely Planet